# Note for new boards -- CTPC and CONVERT_TO_PROTON_C are deprecated terms # and should not be replicated for new boards. These will be removed from # documentation as well as existing keymaps in due course. ifneq ($(findstring yes, $(CTPC)$(CONVERT_TO_PROTON_C)),) $(call CATASTROPHIC_ERROR,The `CONVERT_TO_PROTON_C` and `CTPC` options are now deprecated. `CONVERT_TO=proton_c` should be used instead.) endif ifneq (,$(filter $(MCU),atmega32u4)) # TODO: opt in rather than assume everything uses a pro micro PIN_COMPATIBLE ?= promicro endif # Remove whitespace from any rule.mk provided vars # - env cannot be overwritten but cannot have whitespace anyway CONVERT_TO:=$(strip $(CONVERT_TO)) ifneq ($(CONVERT_TO),) # stash so we can overwrite env provided vars if needed ACTIVE_CONVERTER=$(CONVERT_TO) ifeq ($(PIN_COMPATIBLE),) $(call CATASTROPHIC_ERROR,Converting to '$(CONVERT_TO)' not possible!) endif # glob to search each platfrorm and/or check for valid converter CONVERTER := $(wildcard $(PLATFORM_PATH)/*/converters/$(PIN_COMPATIBLE)_to_$(CONVERT_TO)/) ifeq ($(CONVERTER),) $(call CATASTROPHIC_ERROR,Converting from '$(PIN_COMPATIBLE)' to '$(CONVERT_TO)' not possible!) endif -include $(CONVERTER)/pre_converter.mk PLATFORM_KEY = $(shell echo $(CONVERTER) | cut -d "/" -f2) # Configure any defaults OPT_DEFS += -DCONVERT_TO_$(shell echo $(CONVERT_TO) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') OPT_DEFS += -DCONVERTER_TARGET=\"$(CONVERT_TO)\" OPT_DEFS += -DCONVERTER_ENABLED VPATH += $(CONVERTER) # Configure for "alias" - worst case it produces an idential define OPT_DEFS += -DCONVERT_TO_$(shell echo $(ACTIVE_CONVERTER) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # Finally run any converter specific logic include $(CONVERTER)/converter.mk endif