#!/usr/bin/env julia # Jacek Poziemski 272389 """ findsmallest(start::Float64, finish::Float64)::Float64 Find the smallest Float64 larger than `start` and smaller than `finish` that satisfies the following inequality `x * (1/x) ≠ 1`. # Arguments - `start::Float64`: bottom limit for the wanted number - `finish::Float64`: upper limit for the wanted number """ function findsmallest(start::Float64, finish::Float64)::Float64 x::Float64 = nextfloat(Float64(start)) res::Float64 = zero(Float64) while x < Float64(finish) res = x * (one(Float64) / x) if res != one(Float64) return x end x = nextfloat(x) end return missing end smallest::Float64 = findsmallest(1.0, 2.0) if ismissing(smallest) println("smallest not found") else println("smallest: $smallest") end