#!/usr/bin/env julia # Jacek Poziemski 272389 import Pkg Pkg.add("Plots") using Plots """ seq(x::Float64, c::Float64)::Float64 Calculate `x^2 + c`. # Arguments - `x::Float64`: the first argument - `c::Float64`: the second argument """ function seq(x::Float64, c::Float64)::Float64 return x^2 + c end cs::Vector{Float64} = [-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0] xs::Vector{Float64} = [1.0, 2.0, 1.99999999999999, 1.0, -1.0, 0.75, 0.25] """ exp(x::Float64, c::Float64)::Vector{Float64} Iterate over the seq function 40 times. # Arguments - `x::Float64`: the first argument - `c::Float64`: the second argument """ function exp(x::Float64, c::Float64)::Vector{Float64} ret::Vector{Float64} = [] push!(ret, x) for i in 1:40 x = seq(x, c) push!(ret, x) end return ret end sequences::Vector{Vector{Float64}} = [] for i in 1:7 sequence::Vector{Float64} = exp(xs[i], cs[i]) push!(sequences, sequence) end for i in 1:length(sequences) plot(title = "x_n² + c", xlabel = "n", ylabel = "x_n") plot!(0:40, sequences[i], label = "x = $(xs[i]), c = $(cs[i])", lw = 2) png("6.$i.png") end