
275 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-07-06 20:03:25 +02:00
2023-07-13 12:49:20 +02:00
2023-07-30 23:52:15 +02:00
}: {
2024-02-29 01:28:20 +01:00
nixpkgs.config = {
permittedInsecurePackages = [
allowUnfree = true;
2023-08-11 00:00:19 +02:00
2023-07-13 12:49:20 +02:00
2023-08-11 00:00:19 +02:00
boot = {
kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_xanmod_latest;
2023-10-13 23:11:29 +02:00
extraModulePackages = with config.boot.kernelPackages; [ ddcci-driver ];
kernelModules = [ "ddcci" ];
2023-08-11 00:00:19 +02:00
kernelParams = [
2023-07-13 12:49:20 +02:00
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
time.timeZone = "Europe/Warsaw";
nix = {
settings = {
max-jobs = 3;
cores = 4;
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
substituters = [
2023-10-03 19:22:24 +02:00
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
trusted-public-keys = [
2023-10-03 19:22:24 +02:00
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
2023-07-06 20:03:25 +02:00
programs.dconf.enable = true;
security.sudo.package = pkgs.sudo.override { withInsults = true; };
2023-10-03 19:22:24 +02:00
security.polkit.enable = true;
2024-02-29 00:48:40 +01:00
environment.sessionVariables = {
CHROME_EXECUTABLE = "${pkgs.ungoogled-chromium}/bin/chromium";
2023-07-13 12:49:20 +02:00
services = {
2023-07-23 20:12:12 +02:00
pcscd.enable = true;
udisks2.enable = true;
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
dbus.enable = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
fwupd = {
enable = true;
2024-01-20 01:31:28 +01:00
ratbagd.enable = true;
2023-07-23 20:12:12 +02:00
programs.gnupg.agent = {
enable = true;
pinentryFlavor = "qt";
enableSSHSupport = true;
2023-07-20 00:06:31 +02:00
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
services.btrfs = {
autoScrub = {
2023-07-23 20:12:29 +02:00
enable = true;
2023-09-08 16:10:15 +02:00
interval = "weekly";
2023-07-23 20:12:29 +02:00
services.journald = {
extraConfig = ''
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
services.udev = {
2024-01-20 01:31:28 +01:00
packages = with pkgs; [
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
# this makes usb devices autosuspend
#powerManagement.powertop.enable = true;
programs.kdeconnect.enable = true;
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
programs.noisetorch.enable = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
myOptions = {
other = {
system = {
hostname = "niks";
username = "jacek";
home-manager = {
enable = true;
enableDirenv = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
programs = {
git = {
enable = true;
userName = "jacekpoz";
userEmail = "";
signingKey = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHXD1EM4mQz99vJhmZX1r7kwMd8yewogOuoTUuv1xWZB";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
defaultBranch = "master";
starship.enable = true;
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
zsh = {
enable = true;
extraAliases = {
#u = "nh os switch \"/home/jacek/niksos\" -H niks -- --use-remote-sudo";
#us = "NIX_SSHOPTS='-t' nh os switch \"/home/jacek/niksos\" -H chmura -- --use-remote-sudo --target-host chmura";
u = "nixos-rebuild switch --flake \"/home/jacek/niksos#niks\" -L --use-remote-sudo";
us = "NIX_SSHOPTS='-t' nixos-rebuild switch --flake \"/home/jacek/niksos#chmura\" -L --use-remote-sudo --target-host chmura";
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
profiling = false;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
anyrun.enable = true;
armcord.enable = true;
2024-01-20 01:27:49 +01:00
vesktop.enable = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
btop.enable = true;
firefox = {
enable = true;
defaultSearchEngine = "NotASearx";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
searchEngines = {
"NotASearx" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconUrl = "";
aliases = [ "!sx" ];
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"NixOS Packages" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
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2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"NixOS Options" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconPath = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
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2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"NixOS Wiki" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconPath = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
aliases = [ "!nw" ];
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"Home Manger Option Search" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconPath = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
aliases = [ "!hm" ];
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"Arch Wiki" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconUrl = "";
aliases = [ "!aw" ];
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"Gentoo Wiki" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconUrl = "";
aliases = [ "!gw" ];
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"Debian Wiki" = {
url = "{searchTerms}";
faviconUrl = "";
aliases = [ "!dw" ];
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
foot.enable = true;
mpv.enable = true;
2024-02-14 14:58:07 +01:00
osu = {
enable = true;
enableStable = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
neovim.enable = true;
swaylock.enable = true;
waybar.enable = true;
zathura.enable = true;
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
hyprland = {
enable = true;
startupSound = ./mathis.m4a;
2023-10-14 19:18:01 +02:00
helix.enable = true;
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
newsboat.enable = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
themes = {
cursor = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.bibata-cursors;
name = "Bibata-Modern-Classic";
size = 24;
gtk = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.catppuccin-gtk;
name = "Catppuccin-Mocha-Standard-Green-Dark";
variant = "mocha";
accentColour = "green";
iconTheme = {
name = "Papirus-Dark";
package = pkgs.catppuccin-papirus-folders;
qt = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.catppuccin-kde;
name = "Catppuccin-Mocha-Dark";
variant = "mocha";
accentColour = "green";
services = {
dunst.enable = true;
mpd.enable = true;
greetd = {
enable = true;
greeter = "gtkgreet";
launchOptions = [
"shutdown now"
ssh = {
daemon.enable = false;
agent = {
enable = true;
ssh-agent (this shit is crazy read the whole commit message) so first when I wanted to configure ssh to use the correct keys by default I found some guide that used IdentitiesOnly yes so I used it too without even knowing what it does then later when I wanted to nix my ssh config I noticed that it's set to true and didn't know what it does so I read the manpage I wrote the description of the `indentitiesOnly` option of my wrapper module based on that but I didn't really understand what it actually does well, as you can see in the commit history, a day or two ago (forgot) I started using an ssh key to sign my commits and to make things even more convenient I moved all of my private ssh keys to my keepassxc database as attachments I tested it on my main laptop and everything worked fine but on that laptop all the keys were still in ~/.ssh as I didn't just want to immediately delete them and risk losing any well that's what hid this bug - on the main laptop when pushing, it just used the keys in ~/.ssh, which I don't have on this laptop (the one I take to classes) because, well, I did this not to have to copy both the keepassxc database and ~/.ssh between machines - I only copied the keepassxc database as it had all the keys in it well turns out with the config before this commit, it would only try to use keys in ~/.ssh which aren't - and won't - be here so it failed this option makes it actually use keys supplied by ssh-agent, which keepassxc acts as and is the only way to get them in the current setup
2024-03-05 17:36:26 +01:00
hostAliases = {
"github".hostName = "";
"".hostName = "";
"codeberg".hostName = "";
"gitlab".hostName = "";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"aur" = {
hostName = "";
user = "aur";
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
"jacekpoz" = {
hostName = "";
user = "forgejo";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"chmura" = {
2024-01-20 01:28:28 +01:00
hostName = "";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
user = "chmura";
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
"chmura2" = {
hostName = "";
user = "chmura";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
"malina" = {
2024-01-20 01:28:28 +01:00
hostName = "";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
user = "malina";
2023-11-25 17:12:09 +01:00
ssh-agent (this shit is crazy read the whole commit message) so first when I wanted to configure ssh to use the correct keys by default I found some guide that used IdentitiesOnly yes so I used it too without even knowing what it does then later when I wanted to nix my ssh config I noticed that it's set to true and didn't know what it does so I read the manpage I wrote the description of the `indentitiesOnly` option of my wrapper module based on that but I didn't really understand what it actually does well, as you can see in the commit history, a day or two ago (forgot) I started using an ssh key to sign my commits and to make things even more convenient I moved all of my private ssh keys to my keepassxc database as attachments I tested it on my main laptop and everything worked fine but on that laptop all the keys were still in ~/.ssh as I didn't just want to immediately delete them and risk losing any well that's what hid this bug - on the main laptop when pushing, it just used the keys in ~/.ssh, which I don't have on this laptop (the one I take to classes) because, well, I did this not to have to copy both the keepassxc database and ~/.ssh between machines - I only copied the keepassxc database as it had all the keys in it well turns out with the config before this commit, it would only try to use keys in ~/.ssh which aren't - and won't - be here so it failed this option makes it actually use keys supplied by ssh-agent, which keepassxc acts as and is the only way to get them in the current setup
2024-03-05 17:36:26 +01:00
"outfoxxed".hostName = "";
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
pipewire.enable = true;
2023-10-13 21:04:24 +02:00
2023-07-13 15:11:17 +02:00
system.stateVersion = "23.11";
2023-07-06 20:03:25 +02:00