" stolen and modified from https://github.com/doums/darcula " This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public " License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this " file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. if exists("g:darcula") finish endif let g:darcula = 1 highlight clear if exists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif let g:colors_name='darcula' let s:p={ \ 'null': ['NONE', 'NONE'], \ 'bg': ['#2B2B2B', 235], \ 'fg': ['#A9B7C6', 145], \ 'cursor': ['#BBBBBB', 250], \ 'identifierUnderCaret': ['#344134', 237], \ 'identifierUnderCaretWrite': ['#40332B', 58], \ 'gutter': ['#313335', 236], \ 'selection': ['#214283', 24], \ 'cursorLine': ['#323232', 236], \ 'cursorLineNr': ['#A4A3A3', 248], \ 'errorMsg': ['#CC666E', 174], \ 'error': ['#BC3F3C', 131], \ 'warning': ['#A9B7C6', 145], \ 'muted': ['#606060', 241], \ 'link': ['#287BDE', 32], \ 'stdOutput': ['#BBBBBB', 250], \ 'lineNumber': ['#606366', 241], \ 'matchBraceFg': ['#FFEF28', 220], \ 'matchBraceBg': ['#3B514D', 59], \ 'todo': ['#A8C023', 142], \ 'search': ['#32593D', 23], \ 'incSearch': ['#155221', 22], \ 'foldedFg': ['#8C8C8C', 245], \ 'foldedBg': ['#3A3A3A', 237], \ 'constant': ['#9876AA', 103], \ 'keyword': ['#CC7832', 172], \ 'comment': ['#808080', 244], \ 'docComment': ['#629755', 65], \ 'string': ['#6A8759', 101], \ 'number': ['#6897BB', 103], \ 'delimiter': ['#CC7832', 172], \ 'specialComment': ['#8A653B', 95], \ 'function': ['#FFC66D', 216], \ 'diffAdd': ['#294436', 23], \ 'diffText': ['#385570', 60], \ 'diffDelete': ['#484A4A', 239], \ 'diffChange': ['#303C47', 23], \ 'addStripe': ['#384C38', 66], \ 'stripeWhiteSpace': ['#4C4638', 59], \ 'changeStripe': ['#374752', 60], \ 'deleteStripe': ['#656E76', 242], \ 'typo': ['#659C6B', 72], \ 'metaData': ['#BBB529', 142], \ 'macroName': ['#908B25', 100], \ 'cDataStructure': ['#B5B6E3', 146], \ 'cStructField': ['#9373A5', 103], \ 'debug': ['#666D75', 102], \ 'codeError': ['#532B2E', 52], \ 'codeWarning': ['#52503A', 59], \ 'errorStripe': ['#9E2927', 124], \ 'warnStripe': ['#BE9117', 136], \ 'infoStripe': ['#756D56', 101], \ 'hintStripe': ['#6c7176', 242], \ 'typeDef': ['#B9BCD1', 146], \ 'menu': ['#46484A', 238], \ 'menuFg': ['#BBBBBB', 250], \ 'menuSel': ['#113A5C', 23], \ 'menuSBar': ['#616263', 241], \ 'tag': ['#E8BF6A', 180], \ 'entity': ['#6D9CBE', 109], \ 'htmlAttribute': ['#BABABA', 250], \ 'htmlString': ['#A5C261', 143], \ 'tsObject': ['#507874', 66], \ 'statusLine': ['#3C3F41', 237], \ 'statusLineFg': ['#BBBBBB', 250], \ 'statusLineNC': ['#787878', 243], \ 'tabLineSel': ['#4E5254', 239], \ 'shCommand': ['#C57633', 137], \ 'templateLanguage': ['#232525', 235], \ 'rustMacro': ['#4EADE5', 74], \ 'rustLifetime': ['#20999D', 37], \ 'duplicateFromServer': ['#5E5339', 59], \ 'hintBg': ['#3B3B3B', 237], \ 'hintFg': ['#787878', 243], \ 'wrapGuide': ['#2F2F2F', 236], \ 'UIBorder': ['#616161', 241], \ 'UISelection': ['#0D293E', 17], \ 'ANSIBlack': ['#FFFFFF', 231], \ 'ANSIRed': ['#FF6B68', 210], \ 'ANSIGreen': ['#A8C023', 142], \ 'ANSIYellow': ['#D6BF55', 179], \ 'ANSIBlue': ['#5394EC', 68], \ 'ANSIMagenta': ['#AE8ABE', 139], \ 'ANSICyan': ['#299999', 37], \ 'ANSIGray': ['#999999', 247], \ 'ANSIDarkGray': ['#555555', 240], \ 'ANSIBrightRed': ['#FF8785', 210], \ 'ANSIBrightGreen': ['#A8C023', 142], \ 'ANSIBrightYellow': ['#FFFF00', 226], \ 'ANSIBrightBlue': ['#7EAEF1', 110], \ 'ANSIBrightMagenta': ['#FF99FF', 219], \ 'ANSIBrightCyan': ['#6CDADA', 116], \ 'ANSIWhite': ['#1F1F1F', 234], \ 'UIBlue': ['#3592C4', 67], \ 'UIGreen': ['#499C54', 71], \ 'UIRed': ['#C75450', 131], \ 'UIBrown': ['#93896C', 102], \ 'otherBuiltin': ['#8888C6', 147] \ } " expose the palette let darcula#palette=s:p " helper function function s:Hi(group, fg, ...) " arguments: group, fg, bg, style if a:0 >= 1 let bg=a:1 else let bg=s:p.null endif if a:0 >= 2 && strlen(a:2) let style=a:2 else let style='NONE' endif let hiList = [ \ 'hi', a:group, \ 'ctermfg=' . a:fg[1], \ 'guifg=' . a:fg[0], \ 'ctermbg=' . bg[1], \ 'guibg=' . bg[0], \ 'cterm=' . style, \ 'gui=' . style \ ] execute join(hiList) endfunction " expose that function function darcula#Hi(group, fg, ...) if a:0 >= 2 call s:Hi(a:group, a:fg, a:1, a:2) elseif a:0 == 1 call s:Hi(a:group, a:fg, a:1) else call s:Hi(a:group, a:fg) endif endfunction call s:Hi('Normal', s:p.fg, s:p.bg) call s:Hi('ColorColumn', s:p.null, s:p.wrapGuide) call s:Hi('Conceal', s:p.muted, s:p.bg) call s:Hi('Cursor', s:p.cursor) hi! link lCursor Cursor hi! link CursorIM Cursor hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine call s:Hi('CursorLine', s:p.null, s:p.cursorLine, 'NONE') call s:Hi('DiffAdd', s:p.null, s:p.diffAdd) call s:Hi('DiffChange', s:p.null, s:p.diffChange) call s:Hi('DiffDelete', s:p.null, s:p.diffDelete) call s:Hi('DiffText', s:p.null, s:p.diffText) hi! link Directory NormalFg hi! link EndOfBuffer NonText call s:Hi('ErrorMsg', s:p.errorMsg) call s:Hi('Error', s:p.error) call s:Hi('VertSplit', s:p.muted) call s:Hi('Folded', s:p.foldedFg, s:p.foldedBg) hi! link FoldColumn Folded call s:Hi('SignColumn', s:p.null, s:p.gutter) call s:Hi('LineNr', s:p.lineNumber, s:p.gutter) hi! link LineNrAbove LineNr hi! link LineNrBelow LineNr call s:Hi('CursorLineNr', s:p.cursorLineNr, s:p.cursorLine) call s:Hi('MatchParen', s:p.matchBraceFg, s:p.matchBraceBg, 'bold') call s:Hi('ModeMsg', s:p.stdOutput) hi! link MoreMsg NormalFg call s:Hi('NonText', s:p.muted) call s:Hi('Pmenu', s:p.menuFg, s:p.menu) call s:Hi('PmenuSel', s:p.menuFg, s:p.menuSel) call s:Hi('PmenuSbar', s:p.menu, s:p.menu) call s:Hi('PmenuThumb', s:p.menuSBar, s:p.menuSBar) hi! link Question NormalFg hi! link QuickFixLine NormalFg call s:Hi('Search', s:p.null, s:p.search) call s:Hi('IncSearch', s:p.null, s:p.incSearch) hi! link SpecialKey NonText call s:Hi('SpellBad', s:p.typo, s:p.null, 'underline') hi! link SpellCap SpellBad hi! link SpellLocal SpellBad hi! link SpellRare SpellBad call s:Hi('StatusLine', s:p.statusLineFg, s:p.statusLine) call s:Hi('StatusLineNC', s:p.statusLineNC, s:p.statusLine) hi! link StatusLineTerm StatusLine hi! link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC call s:Hi('TabLine', s:p.statusLineFg, s:p.statusLine) call s:Hi('TabLineFill', s:p.statusLine, s:p.statusLine) call s:Hi('TabLineSel', s:p.fg, s:p.tabLineSel) call s:Hi('Terminal', s:p.stdOutput, s:p.bg) hi! link Title Special call s:Hi('Visual', s:p.null, s:p.selection) hi! link VisualNOS Visual call s:Hi('WarningMsg', s:p.warning) hi! link WildMenu PmenuSel call s:Hi('Comment', s:p.comment) hi! link Identifier NormalFg hi! link Type Keyword call s:Hi('Typedef', s:p.typeDef) call s:Hi('Todo', s:p.todo, s:p.null, 'italic') hi! link Special PreProc call s:Hi('Constant', s:p.constant, s:p.null, 'italic') call s:Hi('String', s:p.string) hi! link Character String call s:Hi('Number', s:p.number) call s:Hi('Delimiter', s:p.delimiter) call s:Hi('SpecialComment', s:p.specialComment, s:p.null, 'italic') hi! link Statement Keyword call s:Hi('Keyword', s:p.keyword) call s:Hi('Underlined', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'underline') call s:Hi('PreProc', s:p.metaData) hi! link Tag Keyword call s:Hi('Debug', s:p.debug, s:p.null, 'italic') call s:Hi('Function', s:p.function) call s:Hi('OtherBuiltin', s:p.otherBuiltin) " fixes hi! link Integer Number hi! link Macro cMacroName hi! link Include PreProc hi! link Operator Keyword hi! link SpecialChar PreProc hi! link GitGutterAdd GitAddStripe hi! link GitGutterChange GitChangeStripe hi! link GitGutterDelete GitDeleteStripe hi! link StorageClass Keyword hi! link Structure Keyword hi! link Conditional Keyword hi! link Repeat Keyword hi! link cDefine PreProc " nix hi! link nixBoolean Keyword hi! link nixInterpolationParam InstanceField hi! link nixInterpolationDelimiter InstanceField hi! link nixStringDelimiter String hi! link nixPath Constant hi! link nixSearchPath nixPath hi! link nixURI nixPath hi! link nixPathDelimiter nixPath hi! link nixSearchPathRef nixPath hi! link nixHomePath nixPath hi! link nixAttributeDot Identifier hi! link nixSimpleFunctionArgument Function hi! link nixArgumentDefinition Function hi! link nixNamespacedBuiltin OtherBuiltin hi! link nixSimpleBuiltin OtherBuiltin hi! link nixBuiltin OtherBuiltin hi! link nixStringSpecial Keyword hi! link nixArgumentSeparator Operator " helper groups call s:Hi('docComment', s:p.docComment, s:p.null, 'italic') call s:Hi('NormalFg', s:p.fg) call s:Hi('GitAddStripe', s:p.addStripe, s:p.addStripe) call s:Hi('GitChangeStripe', s:p.changeStripe, s:p.changeStripe) call s:Hi('GitDeleteStripe', s:p.deleteStripe, s:p.gutter) call s:Hi('CodeError', s:p.null, s:p.codeError) call s:Hi('CodeWarning', s:p.null, s:p.codeWarning) call s:Hi('CodeInfo', s:p.null, s:p.infoStripe) call s:Hi('CodeHint', s:p.hintFg, s:p.hintBg) call s:Hi('ErrorSign', s:p.errorStripe, s:p.gutter) call s:Hi('WarningSign', s:p.warnStripe, s:p.gutter) call s:Hi('InfoSign', s:p.infoStripe, s:p.gutter) call s:Hi('HintSign', s:p.hintStripe, s:p.gutter) call s:Hi('IdentifierUnderCaret', s:p.null, s:p.identifierUnderCaret) call s:Hi('IdentifierUnderCaretWrite', s:p.null, s:p.identifierUnderCaretWrite) call s:Hi('InstanceField', s:p.constant) call s:Hi('UIDialog', s:p.fg, s:p.statusLine) call s:Hi('UIBorder', s:p.UIBorder, s:p.statusLine) call s:Hi('UISelection', s:p.null, s:p.UISelection) " neovim if has('nvim') " the following code snippet fix an issue with CursorLine hi group " see https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/9019 if has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors hi CursorLine ctermfg=white else hi CursorLine guifg=white endif hi! link NormalFloat Pmenu hi! link NormalNC NormalFg hi! link MsgArea NormalFg hi! link MsgSeparator StatusLine hi! link QuickFixLine NormalFg hi! link Substitute Search " TermCursor " TermCursorNC hi! link Whitespace NonText hi! link healthSuccess IncSearch call s:Hi('NvimInternalError', s:p.error, s:p.error) call s:Hi('RedrawDebugClear', s:p.fg, s:p.duplicateFromServer) call s:Hi('RedrawDebugComposed', s:p.fg, s:p.search) call s:Hi('RedrawDebugRecompose', s:p.fg, s:p.codeError) " Terminal colors let g:terminal_color_0 = s:p.ANSIBlack[0] let g:terminal_color_1 = s:p.ANSIRed[0] let g:terminal_color_2 = s:p.ANSIGreen[0] let g:terminal_color_3 = s:p.ANSIYellow[0] let g:terminal_color_4 = s:p.ANSIBlue[0] let g:terminal_color_5 = s:p.ANSIMagenta[0] let g:terminal_color_6 = s:p.ANSICyan[0] let g:terminal_color_7 = s:p.ANSIGray[0] let g:terminal_color_8 = s:p.ANSIDarkGray[0] let g:terminal_color_9 = s:p.ANSIBrightRed[0] let g:terminal_color_10 = s:p.ANSIBrightGreen[0] let g:terminal_color_11 = s:p.ANSIBrightYellow[0] let g:terminal_color_12 = s:p.ANSIBrightBlue[0] let g:terminal_color_13 = s:p.ANSIBrightMagenta[0] let g:terminal_color_14 = s:p.ANSIBrightCyan[0] let g:terminal_color_15 = s:p.ANSIWhite[0] " nvim-treesitter hi! link TSAnnotation PreProc hi! link TSAttribute PreProc hi! link TSBoolean Keyword hi! link TSCharacter Character hi! link TSComment Comment hi! link TSConstructor Function hi! link TSConditional Keyword hi! link TSConstant Constant hi! link TSConstBuiltin Keyword hi! link TSConstMacro cMacroName hi! link TSError codeError hi! link TSException Keyword hi! link TSField InstanceField hi! link TSFloat Number hi! link TSFunction Function hi! link TSFuncBuiltin Normal hi! link TSFuncMacro cMacroName hi! link TSInclude Keyword hi! link TSKeyword Keyword hi! link TSKeywordFunction Keyword hi! link TSLabel Normal hi! link TSMethod Function hi! link TSNamespace cDataStructure hi! link TSNone Normal hi! link TSNumber Number hi! link TSOperator Normal hi! link TSParameter Normal hi! link TSParameterReference Normal hi! link TSProperty TSField hi! link TSPunctDelimiter Normal hi! link TSPunctBracket Normal hi! link TSPunctSpecial Keyword hi! link TSRepeat Keyword hi! link TSString String hi! link TSStringRegex Number hi! link TSStringEscape Keyword hi! link TSTag htmlTag hi! link TSTagDelimiter htmlTag hi! link TSText Normal call s:Hi('TSStrong', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'bold') call s:Hi('TSEmphasis', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'italic') call s:Hi('TSUnderline', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'underline') call s:Hi('TSStrike', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'strikethrough') call s:Hi('TSTitle', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'bold,underline') hi! link TSLiteral Normal hi! link TSURI markdownLinkText hi! link TSNote CodeInfo hi! link TSWarning CodeWarning hi! link TSDanger CodeError hi! link TSType Normal hi! link TSTypeBuiltin Keyword hi! link TSVariable Normal hi! link TSVariableBuiltin Keyword " LSP hi! link LspDiagnosticsDefaultError CodeError hi! link LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning CodeWarning hi! link LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation CodeInfo hi! link LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint CodeHint hi! link LspDiagnosticsSignError ErrorSign hi! link LspDiagnosticsSignWarning WarningSign hi! link LspDiagnosticsSignInformation InfoSign hi! link LspDiagnosticsSignHint HintSign hi! link LspReferenceText IdentifierUnderCaret hi! link LspReferenceRead IdentifierUnderCaret hi! link LspReferenceWrite IdentifierUnderCaretWrite hi! link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError CodeError hi! link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning CodeWarning hi! link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation CodeInfo hi! link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint CodeHint hi! link LspDiagnosticsFloatingError NormalFloat hi! link LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning NormalFloat hi! link LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation NormalFloat hi! link LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint NormalFloat endif " Vim terminal colors (for :terminal) if !has('nvim') let g:terminal_ansi_colors=[ \ s:p.ANSIBlack[0], \ s:p.ANSIRed[0], \ s:p.ANSIGreen[0], \ s:p.ANSIYellow[0], \ s:p.ANSIBlue[0], \ s:p.ANSIMagenta[0], \ s:p.ANSICyan[0], \ s:p.ANSIGray[0], \ s:p.ANSIDarkGray[0], \ s:p.ANSIBrightRed[0], \ s:p.ANSIBrightGreen[0], \ s:p.ANSIBrightYellow[0], \ s:p.ANSIBrightBlue[0], \ s:p.ANSIBrightMagenta[0], \ s:p.ANSIBrightCyan[0], \ s:p.ANSIWhite[0] \ ] endif " C/C++ call s:Hi('cMacroName', s:p.macroName) hi! link cConstant cMacroName hi! link cPreInclude String hi! link cPreProcRegion NormalFg hi! link cUserLabel NormalFg hi! link cDataStructureKeyword Keyword call s:Hi('cDataStructure', s:p.cDataStructure) hi! link cFunction Function hi! link cppDestructor cFunction hi! link cSemicolon Keyword hi! link cComma Keyword call s:Hi('cppAfterColon', s:p.cStructField) hi! link cppBeforeColon cDataStructure call s:Hi('cStructField', s:p.cStructField) hi! link cppNullptr Keyword hi! link cppTemplate Keyword hi! link cTypedef Keyword hi! link cppTypeName Keyword hi! link cSpecial Keyword hi! link cEnum Keyword call s:Hi('cSomeMacro', s:p.macroName) hi! link cJCFunc Function " Rust call s:Hi('rustDeriveTrait', s:p.metaData) hi! link rustQuestionMark Keyword hi! link rustComma Keyword hi! link rustSemicolon Keyword hi! link rustOperator NormalFg call s:Hi('rustCommentLineDoc', s:p.docComment, s:p.null, 'italic') call s:Hi('rustMacro', s:p.rustMacro) hi! link rustAssert rustMacro hi! link rustPanic rustMacro hi! link rustEscape Keyword hi! link rustSigil NormalFg hi! link rustSelf Keyword call s:Hi('rustLifetime', s:p.rustLifetime, s:p.null, 'italic') call s:Hi('rustTypeParameter', s:p.rustLifetime) hi! link rustEnumVariant Constant hi! link rustModPath NormalFg hi! link rustModPathSep NormalFg hi! link rustAs Keyword hi! link rustConst Constant hi! link rustVarField InstanceField " Vim hi! link vimOption Constant hi! link vimFunction Function hi! link vimContinue NonText hi! link vimParenSep NormalFg hi! link vimBracket PreProc hi! link vimOper NormalFg hi! link vimSep NormalFg hi! link vimCommentString Comment " JavaScript hi! link jsNoise Keyword hi! link JsImport Keyword hi! link JsFrom Keyword hi! link JsOperator NormalFg hi! link jsArrowFunction NormalFg hi! link jsFuncArgCommas Delimiter hi! link jsObjectKey InstanceField hi! link jsTernaryIfOperator NormalFg hi! link jsObjectSeparator Keyword hi! link jsSpreadOperator NormalFg hi! link jsModuleComma Keyword hi! link jsClassDefinition NormalFg hi! link jsSuper Keyword hi! link jsThis Keyword hi! link jsObjectProp InstanceField hi! link jsDestructuringNoise Keyword hi! link jsClassProperty Function hi! link jsBooleanTrue Keyword hi! link jsBooleanFalse Keyword hi! link jsObjectShorthandProp NormalFg hi! link jsObjectColon NormalFg hi! link jsExport Keyword hi! link jsModuleAs Keyword " TypeScript hi! link typescriptBraces NormalFg hi! link typescriptDocComment docComment hi! link typescriptDocParam docComment hi! link typescriptParens NormalFg hi! link typescriptOpSymbols InstanceField hi! link typescriptRegexpString Number hi! link typescriptSpecial Keyword hi! link typescriptLogicSymbols InstanceField hi! link typescriptExceptions Keyword call s:Hi('typescriptDocTags', s:p.docComment, s:p.null, 'bold,italic,underline') call s:Hi('typescriptGlobalObjects', s:p.tsObject) " JSON hi! link jsonBraces NormalFg hi! link jsonKeyword InstanceField hi! link jsonNoise Keyword hi! link jsonKeywordMatch Keyword hi! link jsonBoolean Keyword hi! link jsonNull Keyword hi! link jsonEscape Keyword hi! link jsonStringMatch String " XML call s:Hi('xmlTagName', s:p.tag) hi! link xmlEndTag xmlTagName hi! link xmlAttrib NormalFg hi! link xmlProcessingDelim xmlTagName hi! link xmlDocTypeKeyword xmlTagName hi! link xmlComment Comment hi! link xmlCommentStart xmlComment hi! link xmlCommentPart xmlComment call s:Hi('xmlEntity', s:p.entity) hi! link xmlEntityPunct xmlEntity hi! link xmlCdata NormalFg hi! link xmlCdataCdata xmlCdata hi! link xmlCdataStart xmlCdata hi! link xmlCdataEnd xmlCdata hi! link xmlNamespace InstanceField hi! link xmlAttribPunct NormalFg hi! link xmlEqual xmlString " GraphQL hi! link graphqlTaggedTemplate NormalFg " YAML hi! link yamlDocumentStart NormalFg hi! link yamlDocumentEnd NormalFg hi! link yamlComment docComment hi! link yamlBlockMappingKey Keyword hi! link yamlKeyValueDelimiter NormalFg hi! link yamlInteger NormalFg hi! link yamlFloat NormalFg hi! link yamlBlockCollectionItemStart NormalFg call s:Hi('yamlAnchor', s:p.tag) hi! link yamlAlias yamlAnchor hi! link yamlBool NormalFg hi! link yamlNodeTag NormalFg hi! link yamlNull NormalFg " Markdown hi! link markdownH1 Constant hi! link markdownH2 markdownH1 hi! link markdownH3 markdownH1 hi! link markdownH4 markdownH1 hi! link markdownH5 markdownH1 hi! link markdownH6 markdownH1 hi! link markdownHeadingRule markdownH1 hi! link markdownHeadingDelimiter markdownH1 call s:Hi('markdownAutomaticLink', s:p.link, s:p.null, 'underline') hi! link markdownBlockquote String hi! link markdownBoldDelimiter Keyword hi! link markdownBold NormalFg hi! link markdownItalicDelimiter Keyword hi! link markdownItalic NormalFg hi! link markdownCode Comment hi! link markdownCodeDelimiter markdownCode hi! link markdownCodeBlock markdownCode call s:Hi('markdownLinkText', s:p.link, s:p.null, 'underline') hi! link markdownLinkTextDelimiter markdownLinkText hi! link markdownUrlDelimiter markdownLinkText call s:Hi('markdownUrl', s:p.function, s:p.null, 'italic') hi! link markdownIdDelimiter Keyword hi! link markdownLinkDelimiter Keyword hi! link markdownIdDeclaration Keyword hi! link markdownLinkDelimiter NormalFg hi! link markdownUrlTitleDelimiter Comment hi! link markdownRule Comment " HTML let html_no_rendering=1 call s:Hi('htmlTag', s:p.tag) hi! link htmlTagName htmlTag hi! link htmlEndTag htmlTag call s:Hi('htmlArg', s:p.htmlAttribute) call s:Hi('htmlString', s:p.htmlString) hi! link htmlValue htmlString hi! link htmlComment Comment hi! link htmlCommentError Comment hi! link htmlCommentPart Comment call s:Hi('htmlSpecialChar', s:p.entity) hi! link htmlSpecialTagName htmlTag " CSS hi! link cssAtKeyword Keyword hi! link cssBraces NormalFg hi! link cssAttributeSelector htmlTag hi! link cssSelectorOp NormalFg hi! link cssClassName htmlTag hi! link cssNoise Keyword hi! link cssAttrComma Keyword hi! link cssFunctionComma Keyword hi! link cssMediaComma Keyword hi! link cssComment Comment hi! link cssClassNameDot NormalFg call s:Hi('cssFunctionName', s:p.tag) call s:Hi('cssColor', s:p.number) call s:Hi('cssIdentifier', s:p.tag) call s:Hi('cssPseudoClassId', s:p.tag) call s:Hi('cssImportant', s:p.keyword, s:p.null, 'bold') call s:Hi('cssProp', s:p.htmlAttribute) call s:Hi('cssAttr', s:p.htmlString) call s:Hi('cssAttrRegion', s:p.htmlString) call s:Hi('cssURL', s:p.link) " Shell Script call s:Hi('sheBang', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'bold') hi! link shRange NormalFg hi! link shFunctionKey Keyword call s:Hi('shStatement', s:p.shCommand) hi! link bashStatement shStatement hi! link shDerefVar NormalFg hi! link shQuote String call s:Hi('shHereDoc', s:p.null, s:p.templateLanguage) call s:Hi('shRedir', s:p.fg, s:p.null, 'bold') hi! link shDerefSimple NormalFg hi! link shCommandSubBQ InstanceField hi! link shOption NormalFg hi! link shCmdSubRegion shStatement hi! link shCommandSub NormalFg hi! link shLoop Keyword hi! link shCommandSub Keyword hi! link shSet shStatement hi! link shFunctionTwo shStatement hi! link shCtrlSeq String hi! link shSpecial String hi! link shCommandSub NormalFg hi! link shDerefSpecial NormalFg hi! link shOperator NormalFg " help hi! link helpHyperTextJump Number