{ pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./alacritty.nix ./autorandr.nix ./firefox.nix ./fish.nix ./git.nix ./i3.nix ./ssh.nix ./vim.nix ./thunar.nix ]; config = { programs = { steam.enable = true; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ed # is the standard text editor. ripgrep file tree btop eza wget zip unzip rar unrar p7zip p7zip-rar gcc gnumake cmake pkg-config python39 python311 ]; home-manager.users.krizej.home.packages = with pkgs; [ fortune yad pavucontrol pamixer element-desktop discord gamemode ezquake vkquake ericw-tools-latest trenchbroom fteqcc gmqcc r2modman godot_4 wineWowPackages.stable winetricks libreoffice-qt gimp sqlitebrowser feh vlc obs-studio yt-dlp gdb ccls clang-tools tcl valgrind linuxKernel.packages.linux_6_6.perf ccache jetbrains.pycharm-community jetbrains.clion (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "clion-nix" '' cd ~/projects/$1 nix-shell --run "clion ." '') ]; }; }